George Nader

Many questions surround the now sentenced George Nader.    Here was a man that has been connected to multiple presidential administrations  as far back as the end of  Regan’s term... Besides being a political animal(CIA construct) by his mid to late 20’s, he was also well known for being a pedophile..  and everyone in the intelligence circles knew it! Nader had a 30 plus year history of abusing children and according to Virginia court documents was “pimping and grooming children with other co-conspirators”

Some questions:

How was Nader allowed for 30 plus years to abuse children and still be a political liaison?

Who are the 5 co-conspirators in the Virginia court documents?

Why did he only receive the minimum sentence of 10 years in jail when he had a track record of abuse for 30 years?

Will be following this case closely......
