Butch And Sundance And The 2020 Election: "Who Are Those Guys?"


(Now, the other companies and the "other guys". Bob and Todd Urosevich. Who started ES&S? Bob and Todd Urosevich.  Todd stays at ES&S, Bob goes to Diebold. Nice little monopoly there eh? Oh, and that Spanish Company, SCYTL? Who was named head of SCYTL's Americas Division in 2006? Bob Urosevich.

Edwin B. Smith. Bob and Todd Urosevich. Three men, seven voting companies.)

Apparently, the BITZ weren't the first ones to think of the Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid analogy. Nothing new under the sun as the good book says. But it's just too cool...so we're rolling with it. ;)

 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid asked the question in the movie.....

 "Who are those guys?"


You apply the same question to the 2020 Election Scandal, and you start to figure out "who those guys are". And when you start seeing the names, who they are and where they are, you come to a very sad conclusion...

The Wolves are Guarding The Hen House.

Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Dominion, Smartmatic. One man has worked for all these companies. His name...

Edwin B. Smith.

Edwin B. Smith starts at Hart, then becomes an executive at Sequoia. Sequoia had their share of "problems".

Let's go back to 2008, when NJ had their "problems" with Sequoia....

Sequoia maintains the errors, which were documented in at least five counties, occurred due to mistakes by poll workers. The firm, which is based in Colorado, examined machines in Middlesex Count, and concluded that poll workers had pushed the wrong buttons on the control panels, resulting in errors in the numbers of ballots cast.

But officials found it odd that such an error never occurred before and the clerk's association wanted further testing."

Now, how did that testing turn out? Well, it didn't take place. Why? Edwin B. Smith.

"A Sequoia executive, Edwin Smith, put Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi on notice that an independent analysis would violate the licensing agreement between his firm and the county. In a terse two-page letter Smith also argued the voting machine software is a Sequoia trade secret and cannot be handed over to any third party. "


Let's move forward circa 2009-2010.  Sequoia gets sold. Who buys them? DOMINION.

Who does DOMINION bring over from Sequoia? You guessed it....Edwin B. Smith. 

Dominion makes Edwin B. Smith Vice President of Certification and Compliance. 


After Dominion, Edwin B. Smith joins Smartmatic. And what else does Edwin B. Smith do? .......

""Ed participates on the Elections Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council of the Department of Homeland Security representing Smartmatic.""


Yep. You read that correctly. Edwin B. Smith participates on a council of the Department Of Homeland Security involved in Election Infrastructure.

The wolves are watching the hen house. All the research credit goes to the Collier family. James, Kenneth and Victoria. The tried to warn us. We didn't listen.



  1. Found this today. IDK how relevant or true it is though: https://buffalochronicle.com/2020/11/14/exclusive-how-a-philly-mob-boss-stole-the-election-and-why-he-may-flip-on-joe-biden/


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