Pat Toomey/ Dominion Connection/Other Officials- Continued Updates

Barbara Cegaske, "Republican" Secretary of State for Nevada.

 """Clark County is prepared to spend nearly half a million dollars to upgrade its ballot-reading....Nevada Secretary Of State, Republican Barbara Cegavske. Cegavske helped bring in Dominion to Nevada in 2015. In August, Cegavske  went against Trump's Vote By Mail lawsuit, seeking to have it  dismissed. Cegavske was represented by the office of the Attorney General Aaron Ford, A Democrat. Also.....Clark county has added on to the Dominion contract four times since it first formed its partnership in 2016. With this week’s addition, the contract with the Denver-based firm is worth $28.7 million. The commission passed the expenditure without discussion.""

The added on to the Dominion contract 4 times. 28.7 Million in total. I hope Nevada officials weren't taking kickbacks.


Where are those Michigan/Dominion Records?

 ""Last week, Big League Politics broke a story about how Lathrup Village, Mich. Mayor Mykale “Kelly” Garrett brokered the deal to bring Dominion software into the state in 2017 while she was serving as an elected Democrat official and working as a project manager for Dominion – a heinous conflict of interest and possible electoral crime.""


Senator Toomey seems in a rush to wrap this election up. Came out with a statement yesterday, saying that President Trump had "exhausted all plausible legal options" in Pennsylvania. Which is not the case. He also went on to congratulate Biden and Harris on their victory, when no victory has been achieved.

Why did Senator Toomey feel the need to release this statement? As we've been saying,  the Dominion scandal goes thru both the Democrat and Republican parties. It's like a spider web. People shouldn't be focusing on the Democrats, it's the Republicans they need to laser in on.

 Republicans not "toeing the line" for the President, most likely have connections they want to hide.

Let's look at Brian Wild. Brian Wild works or did work at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck. Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck is a LOBBYING/ Law Firm. This Firm had a client....the client was DOMINION.

So this Firm Lobbied on behalf of DOMINION. Who's job was it at the Firm to do the Lobbying for Dominion? There were several people. One of them was Brian Wild. 

Brian Wild used to be the Chief of Staff for Pat Toomey.

The Dominion spider web will connect to many more players before it's all said and done. Focus on Republicans. Focus on the Lobbying and Law firms.

“You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out.”  Attributed to Andrew Jackson


  1. Can you tell me how Roy Blunt, R-MO is connected. I know he is dirty...just don't know how.


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