"The Prosecution Is Fumbling It's Case Against Ghislaine Maxwell"


It's a pretty good sum up by Vanity Fair. But we disagree with the word "Fumbling" in the title of the article. The writers should have used two other words..."purposefully tanking" it's case would have been a truer headline to explain this trial.

Many people seem upset about how this trial is playing out, sadly the BITZ are not. We expected it to play out this way. Check out the 11/23/2021 QuiteFrankly podcast.  We called it before the trial started.....


We said this would not be a blockbuster trial. You would get no big names. We said it was a fait accompli. That the prosecution and defense had most likely worked in concert and had come to an agreement before the trial to keep a lid on everything.....other big names, the information about what the FBI really found during Operation Leap Year....etc.

This is not fumbling or ineptness by the prosecution. This is by design. What you are seeing take place with this trial is a mop-up operation...or clean-up operation by the Government. The writing was on the wall...from her arrest...through the pretrial motions...and now the sham of a trial itself.

Try not to be shocked and angered if Maxwell receives a very light sentence or what has now become a very real possibility.....

That when the jury returns with a verdict, Maxwell skips out of that courthouse a free woman.
