Another Event 201? Food Chain Reaction Game

 In the fall of 2019 business leaders, government officials, military personnel convened together to game sequence what would happen if a certain virus became a pandemic… this was know as Event 201

Of course we know what soon came after that.. the corona virus pandemic…

Well reading an article last night on, I came across this link in an article regarding food shortages:

 A food chain reaction - a global food security game..

This was a similar set up as Event 201. Business leaders, military , government officials got together to game sequence what would happen if certain events took place such as wars, weather disasters.. etc and caused a global food/fuel crisis…. This global food security game took place in 2015… Here is an overview of it:

“Game Design

Food Chain Reaction—A Global Food Security Game was held November 9–10, 2015 in Washington, DC. Players with considerable influence and deep expertise in agriculture, trade and economics, climate and the environment, diplomacy, and security represented national and international governing bodies and organizations and the private sector. During the game, players encountered a decade marked by food price and supply swings amidst burgeoning population growth, rapid urbanization, severe weather events, and social unrest. Recognizing their influence over global conditions, players took action—and, in the process, “

The decade they game sequenced for is 2020-2030..

In the table contents it refers to the countries represented in the game:

1. United States

2. China

3. India

4. Brazil

5. Continental Africa

6. The EU

Notice one country that is NOT in the table of contents?  Russia….

Cargill , the agricultural business giant which was a the food chain crisis organizer said this:

“The game took the players from the year 2020 to 2030. As it was projected, the decade brought two major food crises, with prices approaching 400 percent of the long term average; a raft of climate-related extreme weather events; governments toppling in Pakistan and Ukraine; and famine and refugee crises in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Chad and Sudan.”

You catch that? The “ governments toppling in the Ukraine”

Remember this was done in 2015!

And what are we in now? A global food/fuel crisis….and the Ukraine is being dismantled 

Scanning through the game analysis it looks like one of the end goals is to bring about a global carbon tax and to drastically reduce biofuels

On a side note, the American Center for progress helped conduct the event.. The chairman for that group is none other than… John Podesta….. just makes you laugh doesn’t it..
