Kids Lives Matter

In the times of the Black Lives Matter movement, I think we can all agree that racism is a terrible thing, but
racism twill never be eradicated by tearing down statues and protests... there must be a change of heart done by God... 

But there is an issue that dwarfs the problem of racism in this country and that is missing children.

I would love to see a movement rise up called KLM... Kids Lives Matter.  The statistics for missing kids in this country and around the world are terrifying:

Most of these statistics are reported by government agencies, so that means the numbers given are UNDERESTIMATED...  It says that in the U.S. alone, over 460,000 kids go missing each year. I’ve heard reports that the number could actually be around 7-8 hundred thousand.   There are some reports that argue that 90 percent of the missing children return home so this number is not as alarming, but they are using only a small fraction of the actual number to come to that conclusion...

Where do the kids go?  Half a million children or more just .. disappear.  In the case of Johnny Gosch, his mother hired a private detective a month after Johnny’s disappearance.  PI Dennis Whelan attended an AUCTION for children being sold as sex slaves in Houston Texas in 1982.   Let that sink in a moment..........people came out to BUY children to abuse.  Unfortunately Whelan did not find Johnny at this particular auction...

Human trafficking of children has been taking place for a long time in this country... where is the collective outrage as a nation against the abuse of the innocent and vulnerable?  Why aren’t we out in the streets like they were in Belgium in the Marc Dutroux scandal?

It’s almost like we have been conditioned as a nation NOT to rise up as a nation against missing/abused children.  Not only do we allow children to be slaughtered in the womb, but we allow them to be taken away from us without so much as a whimper from the populace... we have stumbled into ritual... 

The Maxwell case cannot be overstated. Epstein was taken into custody, and with the world watching , killed right before our eyes...  other than complaining online, what really happened as a result of Epstein being whacked... nothing.   This was a man who had blackmail information on presidents, kings, and princes... people who were preying on our children .  But when he died where was the outrage?

Now Epstein’s boss, Ghilsane Maxwell is next up.. I’m hoping this will be a whole different turn of events.  I’m hoping she will name names... So instead of the BLM movement tearing down statues, the KIDS LIVES MATTERS will rise and tear the politicians and Hollywood stars out of the seats power... 

The KLM movement is something all races can get behind so we can accomplish something beautiful... a safer world for our children...
