Operation Derilio

The depths of child trafficking is truly horrifying.

From a news story out of Italy:

  Two teens were arrested in Italy for using Cyrpto Currency to livestream the “ sexual abuse , torture, and murder of children”.   

The arrests were made as part of Italy’s Operation Derilio which started in 2019.

According to the Italian media  Il Messaggero

“searches on computer equipment belonging to the two Piedmont teens uncovered evidence they were using the cryptocurrency "to witness live torture of almost any kind, which almost always end with the death of the child."

According to reports, the organization behind these horrific acts are highly organized and sophisticated. 

For more on the story read here:  

Where is the media outcry?  Heck, why isn’t any mainstream news organization talking about an organization that shows live-streams  where you can watch the rape , maiming, and murder of children? 

I would not be surprised if  they begin to arrest people in this country who are involved in that case.

The live-streaming abuse of children has been going on for a long time... One of the earliest cases is the Orchid Club that was back in California in 1996:


This case unlocked a bigger operation called  Wonderland:

I wonder if any politicians will be caught up in Operation Derilio .....time will tell
