In The Shadow Of Epstein
We all know about Jeffery Epstein’s estate in Palm Beach CountyFlorida, but there were a few other individuals within a stone throw of Epstein who were also involved in scandals:
Mark Foley was the congressman for the district of Palm Beach County and he was caught in the pageboy scandal in 2006. Foley was texting and soliciting sex from underage congressional pageboys.. Mark Foley’s behavior was known for years and was actually covered up for by none other than Dennis Hastert!
Then there was Jack Abramoff- the super lobbyist who owned Sun Cruz casinos in West Palm Beach who was involved in Hookergate back in 2006...
Abramoff was charged with running a bribe/sex ring out of hotels in the DC area... Abramoff was supplying congressmen with female/male prostitutes and some also say he supplied children as well...
To recap: Mark Foley and Jack Abramoff were involved in prostitution and soliciting sex from minors.. And they were in Epstein’s district!
Then there was California Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham. Cunningham traded defense contracts for cash and sex with Prostitutes at the Watergate hotel in DC.... He had a home in Rancho, ,New Mexico, which is about a 60 minute drive from Stanley, New Mexico.... the home of Epstein’s Zorro Ranch....
Also, these scandals broke during the initiation of Operation Leap Year in 2006 – the investigation into Epstein...
Its kind of hard not to think that Epstein may have been involved in these scandals in some capacity ....
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